I have completed multiple projects on topic of Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, Machine learning, computer vision, python programming, AI virtual assistants etc. Here are top projects I have completed so far.
1/ Solar Drone prototype:

solar energy is one of the major clean and renewable energies in the world. Solar energy can be used for many modern world activities. Solar power has become a major energy resource that can reduce greenhouse gas emissions and mitigate climate change. So, many government and privately-funded projects and research are being carried out to find new ways to spend solar energy usefully.
The problem I wanted solve is to create a self-recharging drone that can have a longer flight duration.
You can read the detailed blog article about the solar drone prototype build on here.
You can visit the codebase on my GitHub profile.
Skills: Drone building, drone programming, Arduino robotics, solar energy
2/ Solar tracker:
This is a simple project that I have developed to check the ability of having maximum charging time during the day time. The solar tracker is a device that can tracker the sun’s movement via sensors to adjust the angle to receive maximum sunlight day time.
You can watch a demo on YouTube.
Skills: solar energy, Arduino robotics, Arduino programming
3/ Arduino Remote control:

This is a small project that I have build to control Arduino-based drones, vehicle etc. This remote control is controlled by a small Arduino nano micro-controller unit.
Skills: Arduino programming and robotics
4/ Frequency-based mosquito repellent system:

When I came back from Australia and to my home country, one major difference i had to face was mosquitos. So, i researched how to build a repellent system without using any harmful way. So, i came up with idea to use frequency that only specific animal are sensitive to repel them from my room. This system is build on Arduino UNO micro-controller unit.
You can visit the full codebase in my GitHub profile.
Here are my blog articles on the topic:
Using frequency to repel animals
Frequency-based Mosquito Repeller system
Skills: Arduino programming and robotics
5/ Fully autonomous AI Drone

This is a prototype UAV that was built to test Fully autonomous capabilities for my startup company, “SKYCEY Technologies”. Under SKYCEY, we are building fully autonomous and AI-integrated, unmanned vehicle systems.
You can read more about this projects on following blog articles.
The Importance of Computer vision for the future of autonomous UAV-based operations:
Importance of autonomous aerial vehicles
controlling a UAV flight sing PID controllers
A Drone flying fully-autonomously ??
Building Autonomous drones for advanced surveillance
Technological importance of autonomous UAV systems
importance of AI in cargo and delivery drone systems
5/ machine learning:
Machine learning is one of the major subfields of Artificial Intelligence. Machine learning can be simply described as a major subfield of AI
that enables computers/machines to learn by analyzing data and detect data patterns to perform specific tasks by themselves without human intervention. The core principle of machine learning is to build and implement algorithmic structures (ML algorithms) for data analyzing and make decision based on data pattern results.
I have completed building more than 50 machine learning algorithmic structures for various purposes including object detection, facial recognition, data classification, image classification etc.
Here are some of the general purpose machine learning projects that I have completed.
- Agri product optimizer
- Decision tree algorithm
- stock market prediction algorithm
- crop classifier algoritm
- fertilizer recommendation and crop reccomendation algorithms
You can visit my Machine learning algorithm GitHub repository for codebase and more info.
Skills: Artificial intelligence, Machine learning
6/ Deep learning and neural network architectures:
deep learning is another major subfield of AI. They are advanced machine learning algorithms that use neural network architecture for more precision and accurate results. I have built several deep learning algorithmic structures for several purpsoes.
This GitHub repository contains the deep learning projects i have completed.
Skills: Artificial intelligence, Deep Learning:
These are the blog articles I have written on deep learning and machine learning algorithms:
A Simple guide to Artificial Intelligence
Domains in modern Artificial Intelligence
How I built my First Neural network
7/ Machine learning for Agriculture:
machine learning can be used in many industries to achieve more higher accurate results and improve productivity. In this project I have researched and developed several machine learning and deep learning algorithms for achieving more accurate results while improving productivity and efficiency.
These algorithms include:
- using IoT devices for agriculture
- Agricultural product optimizer
- Agricultural land monitoring system
- plant monitoring system
- crop classisfier
- crop recommendation algorithm
- weed detection algorithm with YOLO
This GitHub repository include My approach for building ML algorithmic structures for modern agriculture.
This is the blog article I have written describing the project:
Implementation of Machine Learning Algorithms in Agriculture
Skills: Artificial intelligence, Machine learning, Deep learning
9/ Computer vision:
Computer vision is another major subfield of Artificial Intelligence.
Just like the name itself, the
main purpose of Computer vision is to give computers the ability to understand their
surroundings and physical world on their own computational power (without human
intervention) by analyzing visual data (images, videos) and a decision-making process
(algorithms). Computer is the major sub field of AI that use visual input data for self-decision
I have built numerous amount of computer vision based algorithms and projects during recent 2 years. They include object detection algorithms, obstacle avoidance algorithms, autopilot systems etc.
Here are some of the blog articles I have written on computer vision:
An overview of the Computer Vision
An overview of object tracking and obstacle avoidance for autonomous UAV – Part A
Building an object recognition model with YOLO algorithm
Building a simple face recognition system with ‘OpenFace’ Python Library:
Importance of Computer vision and AI in modern surveillance
Skills: Artificial intelligence, computer vision, machine learning, deep learning
10/ AI virtual assistant:
Artificial intelligence is spreading across almost every field. specially with recent developments, Artificial intelligent is going to become the most important technology in modern and futuristic world. One of the major fields that we can use recent AI developments is to build virtual assistant that use AI to perform
Two years ago in 2023, I did build my first virtual assistant. In fact this is one my first major projects in programming. E.L.S.A – E-communication language serving assistant is my fist ever artificial assistant. It can perform basic tasks such as tell weather, search on google, search on Wikipedia, greet etc.
You can visit this GitHub repository for codebase.
I have started building more advanced AI assistant for home automation, home security and Human-like interactions. The new AI-assistant is Trinity and it is being developed under my second start-up company, Interlink AI.
Here are some YT demos for Trinity:
Here are the blog articles I have written on the topic of AI assistants:
How Trinity is using machine learning techniques for better performances:
10/ Home-made server system:

Servers are a major hardware unit in modern day technology. They are essential for modern day computing. I had used a PC before moving to Australia. So, when I came back, I was surprised to see it still working. So, i wanted to do some thing with it’s hard disk since it had nearly 250GB space. So, i did decided to made a server system with it using Linux-based OS.
This is the blog article I have written about the process.
Home made server from an old PC
These are the major projects I have completed so far. This will be updated with newer projects in the future.